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Previous Big Batch Brew Bash Winners

Twenty-seventh Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2024)
Style: BJCP Style 15A, Irish Red Ale

Entries: 62

1st Place: John Grady (Ale-ian Society, Lubbock, TX)

2nd Place: Iain Armstrong (Independent) 

3rd Place: Brendan Fruge (Rogue Brewer Coalition)

Honorable Mention: Genaro Garzo (San Antonio Cerveceros) & Phillip B. Kaufman (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers 


Twenty-sixth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2023)
Style: Specialty IPA, BJCP Style 21B

Entries: 60

1st Place: Phil Verdieck (Foam Rangers)

2nd Place: John Dawson (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers) 

3rd Place: Ricardo Fritzsche (Austin Zealots)

Honorable Mention: Steve Scanlon (Foam Rangers) with Matthew Paige (Foam Rangers) and Jimmy Paige (Foam Rangers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers and Ninja Homebrewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Cindy Oberlin (Ninja Homebrewers)


Twenty-fifth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2022)*
Style: Coffee Beer

Entries: 107

1st Place: Phillip Kaufman (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

2nd Place: Vinny Bailey (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers) and Michael Turner (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: Arrian Brantley (Independent) and Stephen Daulong (Independent)

Honorable Mention: Carl Teachey (Winston Salem Wort Hogs)

Honorable Mention: Chris Landis (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Chris Daily (San Antonio Vaqueros)


*No Big Batch Brew Bash in 2020 or 2021 due to COVID-19.


Twenty-fourth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2019)
Style: Rye IPA

Entries: 107

1st Place: Keith Bradley & Pam Bradley (Texas Carboys)

2nd Place: John Dawson (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: Cody Evans (Rogue Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Ryan Nick (Independent)

Honorable Mention: Phil Verdieck (Foam Rangers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Roderick Edmond (Independent) and Zach Hill (North Texas Homebrew Association)


Twenty-third Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2018)
Style: Strong British Bitter

Entries: 112

1st Place: Dean Weaver/James Smith/Steven Barsalou/Wayne Yandell (North Texas Homebrew Association)

2nd Place: Bob Kapusinski & Henrik Engert (Texas Carboys)

3rd Place: Randy Daily (Bay Area Mashtronauts)

Honorable Mention: Brett Skalko & Ben Brythewood (Texas Carboys)

Honorable Mention: Randy Daily (Bay Area Mashtronauts)

Heavy Hitters: Rogue Brewers & Bay Area Mashtronauts (tie)

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Joshua Cassidy (Foam Rangers)


Twenty-second Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2017)
Style: Specialty IPA: Belgian IPA

Entries: 79

1st Place: Craig Dhonau (Trub Club)

2nd Place: Cody Evans (Independent)

3rd Place: Ed Condon (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Dean Weaver (North Texas Homebrew Association)

Honorable Mention: Ed Condon (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Brian Barboza (Rogue Brewers)


Twenty-first Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2016)
Style: American Stout

Entries: 79

1st Place: Aaron Nixon & Don Sajda (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

2nd Place: Hank Keller (Foam Rangers)

3rd Place: Robert Chan & Joan Hauff (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention (tie): Chad Ramey (Austin Zealots)

Honorable Mention (tie): Jonathan Zacharko (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: John Shank (Cap & Hare Brew Club)


Twentieth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2015)
Style: American Barleywine

Entries: 45

1st Place: Mike Johnson (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

2nd Place: Jimmy Paige/Karl Chaloupka (Foam Rangers)

3rd Place: Chris Stanclift (Barley Coherent)

Honorable Mention: Corey Martin (Austin Zealots)

Honorable Mention: Keith & Pam Bradley (Austin Zealots)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Chris Stanclift (Barley Coherent)


Nineteenth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2014)
Style: Texas Brown Ale

Entries: 96

1st Place: Donald Sajda (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

2nd Place: Karl and Ann Marie Pierce (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: John Dawson (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Mark Schoppe (Austin Zealots)

Honorable Mention: Corey Martin (Austin Zealots)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Duane Vaughn (Independent)


Eighteenth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2013)
Style: Witbier

Entries: 71

1st Place: Mark Lurton (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

2nd Place: Mark Lurton (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: Kris Szecsy (Bay Area Mashtronauts)

Honorable Mention: Kieth Bradley & Pam Bradley (Austin Zealots)

Honorable Mention:Preston Lewis & Patrick Taylor (Independent)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Jeffery Watson (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)


Seventeenth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2012)
Style: American Style India Black Ale

Entries: 144

1st Place: Pete Garza (Bay Area Mashtronauts)

2nd Place: Chris Turner (Brasseurs a la Maison)

3rd Place: Mark Lurton (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Michael Crumley & Michael Langdon (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Lee Friske (Basin Brewers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Jeffery Lind (Independent)


Sixteenth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2011)
Style: Old Ale

Entries: 107

1st Place: David Rogers (Foam Rangers)

2nd Place: David Rogers (Foam Rangers)

3rd Place: J&J Brew Crew (Jimmy Paige & Jeff Reilly) (Foam Rangers)

Honorable Mention: Jimmy Paige (Foam Rangers)

Honorable Mention: Jimmy Paige (Foam Rangers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Britton Quinn of the Tin Shed Homebrew Club


Fifteenth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2010)
Style: English Barleywine

Entries: 70

1st Place: Chris Landis (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

2nd Place: Mark Rogerson & Donald Sajda (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: Jimmy Paige & Jeff Reilly (Foam Rangers)

Honorable Mention: Susan Ayling (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Stuart West (Foam Rangers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: John Cotton (Golden Triangle Homebrew Club)

Fourteenth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2009)
Style: Strong Scotch Ale

Entries: 90

1st Place: Phillip Kaufman (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

2nd Place: Keith Bradley & Jay McLuvin (Austin Zealots)

3rd Place: Matt Morris (Horsement of the Hopocalypse)

Honorable Mention: Cameron Mathews (North Texas Home Brewers Association)

Honorable Mention: Michael White (Bay Area Mashtronauts)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Ken Rich Memorial Award: Javier Peña


Thirteenth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2008)
Style: Weizenbock

Entries: 66

1st Place: Kerry Martin (Austin Zealots)

2nd Place: Chris Landis (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: Rodney Kibzey (Urban Knaves of Grain)

Honorable Mention: Bill King (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Susan Ayling (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)


Twelfth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2007)
Style: Imperial Stout

Entries: 73

1st Place: Mike Heniff (Foam Rangers)

2nd Place: Mike Heniff (Foam Rangers)

3rd Place: Ed Condon (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Donald Sajda (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Ed Condon (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers


Eleventh Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2006)
Style: Imperial IPA

Entries: 107

1st Place: David Majoras (Ale-ian Society)

2nd Place: J&J Brew Crew - Jimmy Paige and Jeff Reilly (Foam Rangers)

3rd Place: Richard Dobson (Red River Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Ed Moore (Foam Rangers)

Honorable Mention: J&J Brew Crew - Jimmy Paige and Jeff Reilly (Foam Rangers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers & Foam Rangers (tie)


Tenth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2005)
Style: Brown/Robust Porter

Entries: 73

1st Place: Garnett / Debban (Cold Pass Brewers)

2nd Place: Ed Condon (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: Tim White (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Wes Powell (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Ed Moore (Foam Rangers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers


Ninth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2004)
Style: Belgian Strong Ales

Entries: 82

1st Place: Rob Robinson (Independent)

2nd Place: Ed Condon (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: John Eades (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Shawn Hand (Independent)

Honorable Mention: Joe Neal (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers


Eighth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2003)
Style: American Brown Ale

Entries: 96

1st Place: Kuyler Doyle (Foam Rangers)

2nd Place: Mike McDole (DOZE)

3rd Place: Kuyler Doyle (Foam Rangers)

Honorable Mention: Tony Brown (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers


Seventh Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2002)
Style: American Barleywine

Entries: 43

1st Place: Kuyler Doyle (Foam Rangers)

2nd Place: Eric Hendrix (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: Tom Bickell—Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Honorable Mention: Ed Howell (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Ed Powell (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers

Sixth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2001)
Style: American India Pale Ale

Entries: 67

1st Place: Kuyler & Kari Doyle (Foam Rangers)

2nd Place: Chuck Stevens (Foam Rangers)

3rd Place: Chuck Stevens (Foam Rangers)

Honorable Mention: Don Hang (Independent)

Honorable Mention: Ron Solis (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers


Fifth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (2000)
Style: American Pale Ale

Entries: 79

1st Place: Al Jurica (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

2nd Place: Mark Rogerson (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: Al Jurica (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Jim Younmeyer (Foam Rangers)

Honorable Mention: Joe Perjak (Foam Rangers)

Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers


Fourth Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (1999)
Style: German Wheat Beers

Entries: 77

1st Place: David Cato (Foam Rangers)

2nd Place: David Barker (Independent)

3rd Place: Kehn Bacon (Foam Rangers)

Honorable Mention: Brian Ellis (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Michael Knutson (Independent)

Heavy Hitters: Foam Rangers


Third Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (1998)
Style: Old Ale/Strong Ale

Entries: 63

1st Place: Capo / Vallhonrat (Foam Rangers)

2nd Place: Wayne Smith (Foam Rangers)

3rd Place: McVey / Johnston (BB)

Honorable Mention: Jesse Heinsohn (DB)

Honorable Mention: Donald Sadja (Independent)


Second Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (1997)
Style: English Bitter

Entries: 48

1st Place: Thomas Irven (Foam Rangers)

2nd Place: David Dieh (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: David Cato (Foam Rangers)

Honorable Mention: Steve Moore (Foam Rangers)

Honorable Mention: Tom Bickell (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)


First Annual Big Batch Brew Bash (1996)

Style: Stout

Entries: 34

1st Place: Capo / Vallhonrat (Foam Rangers)

2nd Place: Jose Rodriguez (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

3rd Place: Rick Hirsch (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Carl Scott (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)

Honorable Mention: Mike Bartol (Independent)

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