The KGB By-Laws
COME NOW, the founders of the Kuykendahl Gran Brewers, hereinafter called the "KGB", for the purpose of creating an association of persons engaged in the craft of brewing and fermenting malted grains. The KGB shall operate as an association under the laws of the state of Texas, and shall exist to serve its members and the community as is related to the craft in which its members engage. No party shall take pecuniary gain of any kind from the revenues or activities of the KGB.
The mission of the KGB shall be to promote and participate in the science and craft of brewing beer products of sugar fermentation. In doing so, the KGB shall produce periodic publications and conduct informational meetings on the brewing and fermenting of malted grains.
The leadership of the KGB shall consist of duly elected officers as follows:
Czar: This position shall serve as the most senior post in the leadership of the KGB, and shall be ultimately responsible for organizing events of the association, conducting meetings, and coordinating with the other officers to lead in decision-making on issues of revenues and disbursement for duly incurred expenses of the KGB.
Ruble Collector: This position shall serve as the treasurer of the KGB and shall be charged with the responsibility of managing the financial assets of the KGB, including the collection of revenues and disbursement for duly incurred expenses of the KGB.
Commissar Brewski: This position shall be responsible for collecting, serving, and describing various commercial examples of fermented beverages at each regular meeting of the members of the KGB.
General Secretary: This position shall serve to assist the officers of the KGB in the execution of their duties, including the relief of the other officers as needed and performing non-routine duties as required. This position shall assume the office of Czar in the event that the Czar's term is terminated for any reason. This term shall expire in the April following such termination.
These positions shall be elected by secret ballot of all members in attendance at the scheduled time and place of voting. Elections shall take place in the month of April each year at the regular monthly meeting of the members of the KGB. All elected officers shall receive immediate appointment to their respective positions upon election as such.
Any individual of at least twenty-one years of age may apply for membership in the KGB by completing a NEW MEMBERSHIP AND RENEWAL FORM and paying a membership fee, as established by the officers of the KGB. All applicants shall be automatically approved unless an objection is raised by an existing member and upheld by a majority vote of the other members in attendance at the meeting where such an objection may be raised. If any membership is allowed to expire for a period of 60 days, it shall be cancelled by the KGB, terminating all rights and benefits of membership. If the terminated member is an officer, any other officer may call an election for the replacement for the position, the appointment of which shall expire the following April as with all other officer positions. If the vacated position is that of the Czar, no such election shall be required, except on petition of a majority of the membership.
Removal of Members and Officers
At any time which any member or officer shall be deemed to be committing acts or otherwise engaging in behavior(s) which may be detrimental to the operation or reputation of the KGB, that member or officer may have his/her membership revoked, without refund of dues, by a majority vote of the current KGB membership. A majority shall consist of all members in participation during the voting process, either in person or by proxy. Any member not casting a vote in such a manner waives any input in the process. A special meeting may be called by the Czar or any officer for the purpose of such a vote, or it may be conducted at the scheduled monthly meeting, as the level of urgency dictates.
Authority of Members
Only the current, duly elected officers of the KGB shall have authority to act in any official capacity in matters which may be binding upon the KGB or any of its members, including signing any document on behalf of the KGB. All matters of notable importance to the KGB shall be brought before the membership in attendance at the regularly scheduled monthly meetings in advance of acting on such matters. All issues shall be decided by a majority vote, with any ties to be decided by a confidential vote among the current officers of the KGB. In the event that the officers are unable to resolve any such tie, the current editor of the KGB newsletter shall cast the deciding vote.
Amendment 1
Be it known that, effective May 1, 2001, all future KGB officer elections shall take place at the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of its members in November of each year. Terms of service shall run from December to December, with changes in position taking place immediately upon announcement at the December meeting.