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Kuykendahl Gran Brewers Homebrew Club


No events at the moment
BBBB 27 Winners
Style: Irish Red Ale, BJCP Style 15A
Entries: 62
1st Place: John Grady (Ale-ian Society, Lubbock, TX)
2nd Place: Iain Armstrong (Independent)
3rd Place: Brendan Fruge (Rogue Brewer Coalition)
Honorable Mention: Genaro Garzo (San Antonio Cerveceros)
& Phillip B. Kaufman (Kuykendahl Gran Brewers)
Heavy Hitters: Kuykendahl Gran Brewers
News: BBBB 28 Style Has Been Chosen & date confirmed 6/22/25
See the BBBB page for details
Discover the Benefits of Joining Kuykendahl Gran Brewers
Come to one of our monthly meetings to enjoy food, drink and camaraderie. Plenty of homebrewing assistance is available.

Membership dues:
One year: $25/single or $40/family
Two year: $40 single or $65/family

Enjoy 10% off your total bill at Thistle Draftshop

Enjoy 5% off your brewing ingredients at Sitta Brew Hub
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